Linux | Cloud | DevOps | Scripting


Wednesday 12 June 2019

Create an EC2 instance in AWS using Vagrantfile


Operating System                       : Windows (you can choose Linux or MAC as well)
Task Automation Framework   : PowerShell

Steps we need to follow:

  1. Install 'vagrant-aws' plugin
  2. Install the dummy box provided by Hashicorp
  3. Access and Secret Access keys
  4. Add a new security group in the EC2 'us-east-1' region called 'vagrant'
  5. Prepare the Vagrantfile
  6. Start and provision the vagrant environment
  7. Connect to the EC2 instance using Powershell

Step 1: Install 'vagrant-aws' plugin:
C:\> vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

Sometimes it didn't work and provide an error. We need to check logs for this find logs at: 
C:\Users\<username>\.vagrant.d\gems\2.4.4\extensions\x64-mingw32\2.4.0\ovirt-engine-sdk-4.3.0\ mkmf.log

If we found this error, we need to run below-mentioned command first:
C:\> vagrant plugin install --plugin-version 1.0.1 fog-ovirt

Now run:
C:\> vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

Step 2: Install the dummy box provided by Hashicorp:

C:\> vagrant box add dummy

RESULT:- box: Successfully added box 'dummy' (v0) for 'aws'!

Step 3: Access and Secret Access keys:

If you don't remember this, you might generate new keys:

Login to AWS console ➔ Dropdown top right side under your account name ➔ My Security Credentials ➔ Create new access key ➔ Download key file ➔ Close.

This will download the key file in your PC. Copy them to a safe location OR copy to a piece of paper and delete the key from PC.

Step 4: Add a new security group in the EC2 'us-east-1' region called 'vagrant':

AWS ➔ EC2 ➔ Security Groups ➔ Create Security Group ➔ Name: vagrant ➔ Group description: Created for vagrant web server ➔ VPC: Select VPC in which you want to create this SG ➔ Inbound Rule ➔ Add Rule ➔ Type: SSH ➔ Source: Anywhere ➔ Add Rule ➔ Type: RDP ➔ Source: Anywhere ➔ Create.

Step 5: Prepare the Vagrantfile:

##### Start Script #####
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "dummy"
 config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
   aws.access_key_id = "AKIAJVBRFJIKE4LV5WFQ"
   aws.secret_access_key = "Cn9VPX1Af9LCbo55F3GS/+lgI1jBRtKVhOotd60y"
   aws.keypair_name = "vagrant-keypair"
   aws.ami = "ami-0756fbca465a59a30"
   aws.region = "us-east-1"
   aws.instance_type = "t2.micro"
   aws.security_groups = ['vagrant']
   config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
   override.ssh.username = "ec2-user"
   override.ssh.private_key_path = "D:\\temp\\vagrant-keypair.pem"
    config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
        sudo yum -y install http
        sudo systemctl start httpd.service
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
##### End Script #####

Step 6: Start and provision of the vagrant environment:

C:\> vagrant up
This command will create our instance in AWS. 

Step 7: Connect to ec2 instance using Powershell:

C:\> ssh -i "D:\temp\vagrant-keypair.pem" ec2-user@<public_IP OR DNS name>

Yaayyyy…Got Access!

But in some cases, there is git environment issue. So, first install git and then follow below mentioned commands:

$new_path = "$env:PATH;C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("path", $new_path, "Machine")

Use 'vagrant halt' to stop and 'vagrant destroy' to terminate the instance.

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