To perform this exercise, we need to follow the steps :
1. Create an AWS EC2 instance and provide tag auto_snapshot=true2. Create an IAM role
3. Prepare the code for Lambda Function
4. Create a Lambda Function
5. Test the code
6. Create a trigger for Lambda function to take a snapshot on a particular time
7. Verify the snapshot
Step 1: Create an AWS EC2 instance and provide tag 'auto_snapshot=true':
Create an AWS EC2 instance or select the instance on which we want to create snapshot automatically, then give it the tag; Key: 'auto_snapshot' and Value: 'true'.
AWS ➔ Services ➔ EC2 ➔ Launch instance ➔ [*] Free tier only ➔ select AWS Linux AMI ➔ Review and launch ➔ Launch.
Now, we need to provide the tag:
Select the instance ➔ Tags ➔ Add/Edit Tags ➔ we didn't provide any name to the instance, so we can tag a name also from here. For this click on Create Tag ➔ Key: Name ➔ Value: Linux_Server ➔ Create Tag ➔ Key: auto_snapshot ➔ Value: true ➔ Save.
![]() |
Fig: Add/Edit the Tags |
Tags are case sensitive, so make sure you are providing proper tagging.
Step 2: Create an IAM role:
To define permissions to the Lambda function, we need to create a role.
AWS ➔ Services ➔ IAM ➔ Roles ➔ Create role ➔ Lambda ➔ Next ➔ 'AmazonEC2FullAccess' (so that Lambda can freeze and take a snapshot of selected EC2 instances) and 'CloudWatchFullAccess' (so that Lambda can create/update logs) ➔ Next ➔ Role name: lambda_snap_role ➔ provide some description accordingly ➔ Create role.
Step 3: Prepare the code for Lambda Function:
Below-mentioned Green colour code will be used in the Function code area after creating Lambda function:import boto3
import collections
import datetime
import time
import sys
today =
today_string = today.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
delete_after_days = 2 # Delete snapshots after this many days
# Except after Monday (at Tuesday ~1am), since Friday is only 2 'working' days away:
if == 1:
delete_after_days = delete_after_days + 2
deletion_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=delete_after_days)
deletion_date_string = deletion_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
regions = ec2.describe_regions().get('Regions',[] )
all_regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in regions]
def lambda_handler(event, context):
snapshot_counter = 0
snap_size_counter = 0
deletion_counter = 0
deleted_size_counter = 0
for region_name in all_regions:
print('Instances in EC2 Region {0}:'.format(region_name))
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=region_name)
# We only want to look through instances with the following tag key value pair: auto_snapshot : true
instances = ec2.instances.filter(
{'Name': 'tag:auto_snapshot', 'Values': ['true']}
volume_ids = []
for i in instances.all():
for tag in i.tags: # Get the name of the instance
if tag['Key'] == 'Name':
name = tag['Value']
print('Found tagged instance \'{1}\', id: {0}, state: {2}'.format(, name, i.state['Name']))
vols = i.volumes.all() # Iterate through each instance's volumes
for v in vols:
print('{0} is attached to volume {1}, proceeding to snapshot'.format(name,
snapshot = v.create_snapshot(
Description = 'AutoSnapshot of {0}, on volume {1} - Created {2}'.format(name,, today_string),
snapshot.create_tags( # Add the following tags to the new snapshot
Tags = [
'Key': 'auto_snap',
'Value': 'true'
'Key': 'volume',
'Key': 'CreatedOn',
'Value': today_string
'Key': 'Name',
'Value': '{} autosnap'.format(name)
print('Snapshot completed')
snapshot_counter += 1
snap_size_counter += snapshot.volume_size
# Now iterate through snapshots which were made by autsnap
snapshots = ec2.snapshots.filter(
{'Name': 'tag:auto_snap', 'Values': ['true']
print('Checking for out of date snapshots for instance {0}...'.format(name))
for snap in snapshots:
can_delete = False
for tag in snap.tags: # Use these if statements to get each snapshot's
# cleated on date, name and auto_snap tag
if tag['Key'] == 'CreatedOn':
created_on_string = tag['Value']
if tag['Key'] == 'auto_snap':
if tag['Value'] == 'true':
can_delete = True
if tag['Key'] == 'Name':
name = tag['Value']
created_on = datetime.datetime.strptime(created_on_string, '%Y/%m/%d').date()
if created_on <= deletion_date and can_delete == True:
print('Snapshot id {0}, ({1}) from {2} is {3} or more days old... deleting'.format(, name, created_on_string, delete_after_days))
deleted_size_counter += snap.volume_size
deletion_counter += 1
print(' Made {0} snapshots totalling {1} GB\
Deleted {2} snapshots totalling {3} GB'.format(snapshot_counter, snap_size_counter, deletion_counter, deleted_size_counter))
Above code is taken from below-mentioned URL:
In the above code, 'boto' is the SDK for Python in AWS services, which allows us to write the code to make interaction with AWS services.
Step 4: Create a Lambda Function:
AWS ➔ Services ➔ Create function ➔ [*] Author from scratch ➔ Function name: auto_snapshot ➔ Runtime: python 3.7 ➔ [*] Use an existing role: select the role, which we created in the step number 2, and name it 'lambda_snap_role' ➔ Create function…
As the function is created, this will list all those services, which can be accessed by this function. Right now, we can see no trigger is attached here.
![]() |
Fig: Service list accessed by Lambda Function |
…navigate to 'Function code' ➔ delete the default provided code and paste the Green Coloured Code which we prepared in step number 3…
.![]() |
Fig: Location to paste the code |
…navigate to Basic settings ➔ provide proper Description ➔ update timeout for minimum 30 sec otherwise there will be timeout and code will not be worked ➔ Save.
![]() |
Fig: Update timeout period |
Step 5: Test the code:
Click on 'Test' button in Lambda Function ➔ this will open a 'Configure test event' window ➔ Event name: provide any name ➔ Create.
On the top of the page you can see the notification; Successfully created the function. Now, click on 'Test' to test the code.
If the code is correct, then the test will be successful and a snapshot will be created. But if there is an error, then go to the top and below the snapshot name, you can see a link to logs. You can verify the error in logs or can just click on Details to get a brief detail about that error.
In the below-mentioned screenshot, we can see 'Execution result: succeeded'. So, definitely, a snapshot will be created.
![]() |
Fig: Code logs |
AWS ➔ Services ➔ EC2 ➔ Snapshots ➔ here, we can see that a snapshot is going to create, which is in the pending state right now.
![]() |
Fig: Snapshot creation |
Step 6: Create a trigger for Lambda function to take a snapshot on a particular time:
Now, we will schedule our code to be run on a particular time, to take a snapshot. For this navigate to AWS Lambda service console and create a trigger for Lambda function.AWS ➔ Services ➔ Lambda ➔ Functions ➔ select Lambda Function 'auto_snapshot' ➔ click on Add trigger ➔ from drop-down list select trigger 'CloudWatch Events' ➔ from the drop-down list choose 'Create a new rule' ➔ Rule name: auto_snapshot_using_LambdaFunction ➔ provide a rule description accordingly ➔ Rule type: Schedule expression…
There are 2 ways by which we can schedule the time: 1. Event pattern and 2. Schedule expression. Now, we are going to take snapshots every 2 minutes, which is not a good thing but for practice, we can see the quick change. In our last practical, we used corn but now, we will try rate also.
…in expressions type 'rate(2 minutes)' ➔ Add.
Now, we can see that a trigger for CloudWatch Events has been added.
Step 7: Verify the snapshot:
AWS ➔ Services ➔ EC2 ➔ Snapshots.We can see a snapshot is being created, which is in pending right now state. After some time this will be in running state.
Nice blog. You have provided such a useful informartion in this blog. Thanks for sharing.
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Excellent Post.
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